High-Solid Eimponent-Color Kontur Ecoplus

Kontur Ecoplus farbe

Main characteristics / field of application:

  • are resin-based, free of aromatics, low-solvent (solvent content below 25%) marking paints from the product group of high-solid paints.
  • are approved with several test certificates by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) as Type I or Type II markings.
  • are suitable for all bituminous substrates, as well as for concrete ceilings.
  • are well suited for heavy traffic loads.
Density1,62 g/cm3
Solvent content< 25%
Cleaning diluentsDiluent Free of aromatics
Storage stability12 Months unmixed ; protect from frost, overheating and direct sunlight
Rollability/ curing timeThe rollability classes (curing times) shown in the BAST test certificates are laboratory values that may differ in practice depending on the climatic conditions (temperature, humidity, wind conditions), the material and ceiling temperature, as well as the amount of material. The markings must be checked for rollability before they are released to traffic.
Standard packingTinplate containers 33 kg Filling weight / 1300 kg IBCs Re-spreading agent: Paper bags with PE inlay - 25 kg filling weight
Processing temperaturemind. +5°C
Ceiling temperature+ 5°C up + 45°C
Relative humiditymaximum 85%
Layer thicknesses0,3 – 0,6 mm epending on the BASt- test certificate
Theoretical consumption0,47 – 0,97 kg/m² The actual consumption depends on the applied layer thickness, the application technique and the type and condition of the substrate

Application procedure:

Mechanically with standard marking machines, as well as manually with hand spray guns, brush or roller. For applications with airless machines, only airless products are to be used.


Agnieszka Woźniak - Export Director – Bayern, Thüringen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Niedersachsen, Hamburg, Bremen

Mobil: + 48 607 876 645

E-Mail: aw@kontur.info.pl

Wadim Woronow - Sachsen, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Berlin, Schleswig-Holstein

Mobil: + 48-609-318-935

WhatsApp: +375 (44) 794-53-90

E-Mail: vv@mtfgmbh.de

Pawel Czekanski - Saarland, Baden-Würtemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen

Mobil DE: +49 160 320 5458

Mobil PL: +48 539 016 037

E-Mail: pc@kontur.info.pl

Yury Prakopchyk - Österreich und die Schweiz

Mobil: + 48-607-839-851

WhatsApp: +375 (44) 570-81-03

E-Mail: yp@mtfgmbh.de

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